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Pescara vini

Surely those who decide to go and spend a holiday in the Canary Islands do not do so with the intention of visiting vineyards. Yes, even in the Canary Islands the vine is the protagonist, exactly in the island of Lanzarote, one of the most authentic islands of the archipelago. Here is where Cesar Manrique, artist and honorary father of the island, fought to defend the architectural and landscape style of the place. There is the district of Geria, surrounded by immense expanses of pumice stone and volcanic sand from which so-called “volcanic wines” come. The wind on this island is always present and the landscape is arid. It reminds me of the Sinai desert but the temperatures are milder. Moscato D’Alessandria and Malvasia are the predominant varieties, but also some minor varieties such as Listan Blanca and Negra. The landscape is made even more characteristic by the dry stone walls that surround the pits where the vineyards grow and are protected from ocean winds. A unique lunar landscape.

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